Mobile School Shelving & Bookcases
Bookshelves are a real burden for the 21st century classroom. They're big, they're bulky, they all look the same... They're everything the modern classroom is not. Thankfully, there is a solution: Mobile bookcases that can be freely moved and adjusted.
Mobile shelving takes this age-old problem and creates an innovative solution by placing wheels on the bottom and adding a wide range of colours and shapes and sizes to the mix. BFX Furniture's mobile bookcases are remarkable for the way they take one of the biggest, most inconvenient hindrances to the modern classroom and makes them free and functional at last. No matter if you're looking for a big shelf, a small storage cube, or something in between, BFX Furniture has exactly what you need.
Long gone are the days of floor-to-ceiling shelves that weigh more than one person can handle and stay stuck in one place for years. Now, thanks to BFX Furniture's mobile shelving, the classroom's storage solutions can be remarkably efficient and incredibly unique. Not to mention, BFX Furniture makes all of this affordable — something just as essential as efficiency.
- Stash Mobile Tote Tray Storage Trolley 2 Columns with ShelvesFrom$925inc GSTsave $174Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Marvel Library Mobile Double Shelf UnitFrom$1135inc GSTsave $214Sign In for your customer specific pricing
Easy to reconfigure with locking castors for seamless transport
- Marvel Library Mobile Double Shelf Unit with SlatwallFrom$1345inc GSTsave $254Sign In for your customer specific pricing
Easy to reconfigure with locking castors for seamless transport
- Jupiter Double Sided Curved BookcaseFrom$1919inc GSTsave $366Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Jupiter Desk ExtenderFrom$745inc GSTsave $144Sign In for your customer specific pricing
The perfect storage addition to extend your workspace
- Showtime Curve Book Browser - In Curve Mobile Bookcase$2155inc GSTsave $410Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Captain Mobile Book DisplayFrom$885inc GSTsave $164Sign In for your customer specific pricing
Perfect for classrooms, libraries or even home office use
- Piggyback Mobile DisplayFrom$1925inc GSTsave $364Sign In for your customer specific pricing
Features 5 tiered sections for ample book storage
- Kaboodle Teacher Station with ShelvesFrom$685inc GSTsave $130Sign In for your customer specific pricing
Optional Whiteboard "Writeable" Surfaces with ample shelving storage
- Doodle Cart Mobile Magnetic Whiteboard StorageFrom$849inc GSTsave $166Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Dino Diplo Den Reading Chair - StraightFrom$1699inc GSTsave $320Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Giraffe Diplo Den Reading Chair - CurvedFrom$1975inc GSTsave $374Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Zebra Diplo Den Reading Chair - CurvedFrom$1975inc GSTsave $374Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Dino Diplo Den Reading Chair - CurvedFrom$1975inc GSTsave $374Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Unicorn Diplo Den Reading Chair - StraightFrom$1699inc GSTsave $320Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Unicorn Diplo Den Reading Chair - CurvedFrom$1975inc GSTsave $374Sign In for your customer specific pricing
5 fixed rear shelves for easy storage access
- Zebra Diplo Den Reading Chair - StraightFrom$1699inc GSTsave $320Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Giraffe Diplo Den Reading Chair - StraightFrom$1699inc GSTsave $320Sign In for your customer specific pricing
5 fixed rear shelves for easy storage or book display
- Buddy Supply Mobile Storage UnitFrom$1889inc GSTsave $360Sign In for your customer specific pricing
- Buddy Design Mobile Storage UnitFrom$1955inc GSTsave $370Sign In for your customer specific pricing