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How writeable surfaces benefit engagement & inclusivity in the classroom


Using non-permanent writeable surfaces – both vertical and horizontal – in learning environments isn’t a new concept, but it’s one that has more benefits and applications than first meets the eye.

In addition to the environmental benefits that come with reducing paper use, the potential for a less cluttered classroom, and the ability to conduct groupwork more easily, writeable surfaces are proven to improve participation, knowledge retention, communication and confidence in learners. 

Furthermore, writeable surfaces are helping remove barriers to learning for students with different learning styles and needs. 

Below we’ve looked at the benefits of writeable surfaces, like whiteboards, desks and tables, in improving learning engagement and inclusivity. We’ve also offered suggestions for the best furniture options to help you realise these benefits.

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Mars Curve Mobile Flip Top Table

Benefits of Writeable Surfaces: Engagement with Learning & Each Other

1. Enables immediate feedback and assessment: Non-permanent writeable surfaces allow teachers to provide immediate feedback on students’ work. This creates an active learning environment where misunderstandings can be addressed early or correct input can be affirmed allowing for student process, reinforcement of learning and ultimately better academic outcomes.

Teachers report that whiteboards allow for continuous formative feedback and assessment as they can see immediately what students do and don’t understand, without having to mark work.

2. Fosters collaboration: Writeable surfaces promote collaboration by bringing students together to share ideas, explore concepts, discuss, and conduct group work. Students who engage in collaborative learning activities tend to perform better academically.

The Squad Activity Whiteboard allows groups of students to work on separate mini whiteboards and then bring their ideas together as a class on a large surface for a truly collaborative effort.

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Squad Activity Whiteboard

3. Facilitates interactive learning easily: Research has shown that interactive elements like writeable surfaces can improve student engagement and participation, which leads to better understanding and retention of material.

Vertical Non-Permanent Surfaces have also been proven to keep students on task much longer than paper or laptops. The Blaze Vision Board’s double-sided design allows two groups or individual students to work at the same time, and the vertical design makes it easy for teachers to see their work, correct or confirm it, and provide support without having to crouch down at desks. 

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Blaze Vision Mobile Whiteboard

4. Empowers critical and creative thinking: The erasable nature and large space on writeable surfaces naturally encourage students to draw, problem-solve, brainstorm, and map out their thoughts with greater creative freedom. 

A study by Peter Liljedahl in 2015 found that non-permanent writeable surfaces – either vertical or horizontal – “allow a greater freedom to explore the problem across the entirety of the surface.” And rather than erasing their work, students kept migrating their work around the surface showing the chronological nature of problem solving.

We recommend using height adjustable desks such as the SmarTable Clique Straight Height Adjustable Student Desk instead of fixed height desks in classrooms.

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SmarTable Clique Straight Height Adjustable Student Desk

5. Supports a growth mindset: Writeable surfaces, even small ones like the SmarTable Activity Whiteboard, allow learners to practice or test their responses and thoughts in a low-risk way.

The ability to erase and start again encourages students to get to work without the fear that can arise when committing their ideas to paper. They can then nurture their critical thinking skills by analysing and discussing their work. Students also become more comfortable with making mistakes as part of the learning process when they see others writing and erasing their work.

6. Improves attitudes towards difficult subjects: Anxiety can be high for students who struggle with challenging concepts, particularly mathematics. However, a study of two groups in the same class by Minnesota State University Moorhead in 2022 found that: 

1) After one week of using non-permanent writing surfaces, students in the study group had more positive attitudes towards Algebra, considering it more fun and more like play compared to the group who used exercise books or laptops; and
2) The group who used whiteboards also achieved higher scores on the maths test at the end of the experiment.

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SmarTable Activity Whiteboard

Benefits of Non-Permanent Writeable Surfaces: Inclusive Learning Environments

Non-permanent writeable surfaces can make learning environments significantly more accessible and inclusive by offering:

  1. Greater physical accessibility: Writeable surfaces, particularly height-adjustable whiteboards or height adjustable writeable desks, allow all learners, particularly those with mobility challenges, the opportunity to participate comfortably. The SmarTable Huddle Height Adjustable Intensive Student Support Table is ideal for this, with a carved space to physically support either teachers or students and can be purchased with a whiteboard surface.
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SmarTable Huddle Height Adjustable Intensive Student Support Table

2. Opportunities for expression: By encouraging everybody to write together, these surfaces promote active participation from everyone, including students who may be hesitant to speak up or those with learning or communication disabilities.


3. Possibilities for peer interaction: Writeable surfaces themselves become a point of engagement, as they naturally encourage conversation and questions among students. They make it easier for students to share ideas and work together – an essential component of inclusive education. 

Vertical surfaces like movable whiteboards, around which students can stand and work together are significantly more likely to encourage discussion, participation and persistence than flip charts, books or horizontal whiteboards. 

We recommend using the Caveo Mobile Seating Booth with a writeable back in resource centres or groupwork areas in libraries to encourage interaction.

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Caveo Mobile Seating Booth

4. Greater visibility: For students with visual impairments, non-glare writeable surfaces can reduce barriers to participation, making it easier for them to see and interact with content.


5. Support for Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles: The goal of UDL is learner agency that is “purposeful and reflective, resourceful and authentic, and strategic and action oriented”. Following these principles can help schools cater to diverse learning styles and needs. 

Writeable surfaces align with multiple UDL principles across the categories of representation, engagement, and action and expression. We recommend using the Mars Mobile Flip Top Table with Writeable Surface, which can be flipped and packed away to allow space for other activities to support consideration 4.1: “Vary and honor the methods for response, navigation, and movement.”

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Mars Mobile Flip Top Table

Ask BFX’s Expert Team About Non-Permanent Writeable Surfaces for Your School

BFX have long been advocates for whiteboard surfaces on furniture. Combining the functionality of traditional furniture with the benefits of a writeable surface, they allow students and educators to interact more dynamically with the learning material. With various configurations, shapes, and sizes available, BFX has options to suit any learning environment. Many of our products can be made with a writeable surface.

Writeable surfaces are easy to set up and use, and in the case of tables, they become an everyday part of learning in the classroom without the need for additional resources. Place a stack of whiteboard markers on them, and they’ll naturally invite students to get involved.

Contact our team today to discuss how we can incorporate these simple yet beneficial items into your learning environment.

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