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Picture of Anne Knock

Anne Knock

Anne Knock is an educational strategist, on her way to completing a PhD and is passionate about the reimagining school, in terms of space and the supporting culture through a future-focused lens. She commenced her working life as a primary school teacher and has had a successful career in executive leadership. Since 2010 Anne has been a speaker, facilitator and consultant, working with principals, teachers, and architects in Australia, New Zealand, Asia, North America and Europe. Since 2017, Anne has worked as an independent educational consultant, while completing a PhD. The focus of both, consulting work and research, is at the intersection of physical design and workplace culture in schools.  Anne works with architects and schools to address key areas so that the design and its aspirations are sustainable. Anne and her husband Bill, live in Sydney, close to Bondi and the Harbour. Her grandsons, their future, provide the inspiration to make schools better places for kids. 
really nice classroom layout in modern airy room

Culture eats strategy for breakfast

Our efforts to create change, to impact mindsets, habits and behaviour, and to embed new ideas, stands and falls on the culture of the users.

jellybean table setting with red ottomans

The Continental Shift

A future-focused vision for education recognises that today’s and tomorrow’s learner will face a very different future from generations past.

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